The City of Hillsboro, Ohio

Where Pride Rings True


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What is the purpose of the codes?
The purpose of the Codes is to establish uniform minimum requirements for the erection, construction, repair, alteration, and maintenance of commercial, industrial, and residential buildings, including industrialized units. Such requirements shall relate to the conservation of energy, safety, and sanitation of buildings for their intended use and occupancy with consideration for performance, extent of use, and standardization.
When do I need a permit?
A permit is required for the erection, repair, alteration, improvement, structural change, and addition of or to any building within the city. Permits are not required for ordinary maintenance or repair, unless the alteration changes the exterior lines or limits of the building, changes the number of living units within the building, or relates to the sanitary condition, which requires a building permit regardless of the cost of the improvement. Replacement Windows do not require a permit, unless it involves structural changes.
Where do I get a plumbing permit?
For Plumbing Permits, please contact: Highland County Health Department 1487 N High St # 400 Hillsboro, OH 45133 Phone: (937) 393-1941
Do I have to go to Columbus to get a state permit for a commercial/industrial building?
The City of Hillsboro Building Department became a State of Ohio Certified Building Department in 2014, which enables us to issue building permits under the requirements of the Ohio Building Code and perform all inspections for those permits, except plumbing, which is handled through the Highland County Health Department.
Does the City of Hillsboro issue permits for construction of manufactured homes?
Manufactured homes must go through a third party for permitting and inspections. Please contact the Ohio Manufactured Home Commission website or by phone at (614) 734- 8454, for more information. If you are planning on constructing a manufactured home within the city limits, you will need to contact our office for zoning approval. This does not apply to Industrialized Units, they are treated as a single family dwelling and require a permit.
What building codes do you enforce?
Residential building is enforced under the 2013 Residential Code of Ohio. Commercial/industrial building work is enforced under the 2011 Ohio Building Code, electrical work is under the 2011 National Electric Code or latest edition of any of the codes adopted by the State of Ohio, Board of Building Standards.
Where can I see a copy of the code?
Code books are available for viewing in our office or online.
What is zoning?
Zoning refers to legislation that basically maintains the integrity of the neighborhood, whether residential or commercial. By maintaining the integrity of the neighborhood, zoning protects your property value and enables you to enjoy your home, without excessive noise from traffic or industry right next door.
What if we live outside the city limits of Hillsboro?
For building permits and zoning issues outside of the city limits, contact: Highland County Commissioners 119 Foraker Place Hillsboro, OH 45133 (937) 393-1911
Do I need a zoning permit?
What are the most common code violations?
High Grass and/or noxious weeds, Inoperable motor vehicles, improperly maintained vacant structure, parking on sidewalks, unsanitary conditions and sight obstructions at intersections due to trees/bushes.
How does the City know when a violation exists?
A possible violation can be received either by phone, in person, in writing, or the Code Enforcement Officer may, in the course of their duties, observe a potential violation. Once received, the reported violation is investigated before any official action is taken; if no actual violation is observed no further action is taken.
How can I report a violation?
Violations can be reported by calling (937) 393-5219, in person at 130 N. High Street, Hillsboro OH 45133 or using the online Violation Reporting Form.
If I report a violation, is my information kept confidential?
Personal information is not required in order to report a violation.
How am I notified of a violation?
The person and/or property owner responsible for the violation is notified via letter.
What if I have questions about a violation?
You may call the Code Enforcement Officer at (937) 393-5219 to discuss and explain the specifics of any violation.
How many days do I have to correct a violation?
In most cases once a violation notice is received the property owner has ten days to correct the violation, unless a hazardous condition is created, in which case the correction time may be reduced or immediate.
Are re-inspections done to see if the property has complied?
Yes, usually following the date of expected compliance.
I have rental property in the City of Hillsboro. Am I responsible for violations caused by the tenant?
Why does Hillsboro have an income tax?
To provide funds for operations, maintenance and other things as outlined in the Municipal Income Tax Ordinance Section 35.01.
Who needs to file?
The City of Hillsboro has mandatory filing for all residents.
What documents are required?
W2’s, Schedule C, E, or F, 1099’s, 1040, etc, or any additional documentation relating to income.
What is the income tax rate for Hillsboro?
Tax rate is 1.5%.
What is the deadline for filing?
The filing is the same as for federal and state.
I work in another city and they withhold money for tax there. Do I still have to pay for Hillsboro tax?
We give credit for tax paid to other municipalities; up to 1.5%.
I only lived in Hillsboro for a few months. Do I have to pay for the whole year?
Tax is based on time that you lived in Hillsboro, unless you worked in the city the full year.
I claim a loss on my income tax. How many years can it be carried forward?
Operating loss can be carried forward for 5 years.
What form of payment is accepted?
Cash, Check, money orders, and most Debit/Credit cards.
Does Hillsboro Income Tax office share my information?
No. All taxpayer information is confidential. Refer to Section 35.21.
What are the hours of operation for the Hillsboro Police Department?
The Hillsboro Police Department is always open, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
How do I know to contact the Hillsboro Police Department for assistance or in the event of an emergency?
If you are a resident of the corporation limits of the City of Hillsboro and need assistance or have an emergency at your residence, you would contact the Hillsboro Police Department.
Can I pay a traffic citation or minor misdemeanor citation at the Hillsboro Police Department after regular business hours?
Can I pay a bond for someone at the Hillsboro Police Department after normal business hours?
Can I come to the Hillsboro Police Department for a background check and finger printing?
The Hillsboro Police Department will complete a local background check pertaining to our records at no cost. However, we do not process fingerprints.
If I have a non-violent/minor issue with my neighbor (barking dog, property line dispute, etc.) do I immediately call law enforcement to respond?
It is always best to attempt to make contact with your neighbor and attempt to resolve the matter with them first if possible.
Does the Hillsboro Police Department unlock vehicles if I accidentally lock myself out?
No. Most towing services and locksmiths offer that service.
When may I get a copy of a traffic crash report or accident report?
Usually the standard amount of time you will need to wait is 3-5 business days, unless the case is still under investigation.
Where do I get information regarding the private use of a park?
Contact the City of Hillsboro Administration Office at (937) 393-5219 or in person at 130 N. High Street, Hillsboro OH 45133.
Where can I get more information or assistance related to construction I see on a City street or sidewalk?
Please see the list of Current Projects for information regarding construction inside the City Limits.
Who do I call if there is a dead animal in the road?
If the dead animal is on city property, please call (937) 393-5219 or use the Service Request Form to inform the Public Works Department.
Who is responsible for the repair and maintenance of sidewalks, curbs and gutters?
The property owner is responsible for the repair and maintenance of sidewalks, curbs and gutters per City Ordinance.
How do I apply for or disconnect water and/or sewer service?
Contact the billing office at (937) 393-3447 or visit the Public Utilities Office at 130 North High Street.
When is my bill due and How can I pay my bill?
Payments are due by the 15th of each month.
I did not receive my bill this month. Does that mean I do not owe anything?
What part of the water lines is the landowner’s responsibility?
The water line from the curb stop shut off valve to the premises to be served (“the service line”) shall be installed and maintained by the property owner.
How much is a security deposits?
A security deposit is $150.00 and requires a picture ID and current phone number.
Selling or buying a property?
Please contact the office to have a final reading on the property and name change. Please give 24 hour notice on final readings.
Who do I contact if I have a problem with my bill?
Contact the billing office at (937) 393-3447 or visit the office at 130 North High Street. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday, excluding holidays and weekends.
I had a leak. Can I get an adjustment for that?
Yes, for most leaks.
Where do I report a water/sewer leak or loss of service?
Contact the Water & Sewer Maintenance Department at (937) 393-2233 or the billing office (937) 393-3447 if unable to reach the maintenance office.
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