The City of Hillsboro, Ohio

Where Pride Rings True

Wastewater Treatment

The City of Hillsboro Wastewater Treatment Plant is a Class 3 Activated Sludge Facility.

The plant is designed to treat 1.5 million gallons of wastewater daily. The plant receives incoming wastewater from the City. The term activated sludge refers to the use of microorganisms that grow naturally in nature. These microorganisms are used to remove the organics in the incoming wastewater. The facility allows for these organisms to grow and thrive by providing the optimum conditions. The waste travels through the plant and exits the facility with an average of 99% removal of organics and suspended solids. The process uses ultra violet light for disinfection before being discharged into Clear Creek. The City of Hillsboro Waste Water Plant is a state approved facility that meets all regulatory requirements.

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Wastewater Treatment Plant
1520 N High St
Hillsboro, OH 45133
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